Welcome to St. Christopher Parish and School!
It is often said that one of the most important parts of the Catholic Church is the parish. Why? Because the parish impacts people's lives. It is in the parish setting where we receive the Body and Blood of Christ, listen to the Word of God proclaimed, find forgiveness of our sins in Reconciliation, Communal support, and ways to give life to our faith. The parish and school is a living, breathing entity because in it God interacts with his people. We hope that this will be your experience of St. Christopher parish, and that you will find warmth and hospitality here in a spiritually and emotionally nourishing environment.
As you become more acquainted with us, we hope that you will find an area in which to share time and talent with our parish family. Like any family, we function most efficiently when all our members involve themselves in parish life.
Prayerfully consider what unique gifts you and the members of your household might being to our parish, and how you might best share them with us to build up the Body of Christ.
We, the community of Saint Christopher Parish, joined together by faith in Jesus Christ and the Roman Catholic Church, are committed to help each other grow in the understanding of our faith, celebrate this faith in Liturgy, and live it out by using the gifts of each person in the service of others, especially those most in need.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Christopher Bennett